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About us

Express courier services

Since 2004, we provide comprehensive courier services. We are constantly bringing new products to the courier market in the CEE region. Since 2007, we have been the largest city-courier service in Slovakia, not only in the volume of express shipments, but also in quality standards and innovations.

We are a registered postal company according to the Postal Services Act and we are under the supervision of the Postal Regulatory Office, which guarantees our clients the legal integrity of the services we provide and adherence to quality standards. We have established and certified (not certified since 2018) quality management system for courier and delivery services according to ISO 9001: 2008.

We are a registered contractor at the Public Procurement Office, and thus a serious and responsible business entity for state or municipal authorities and institutions, which pays its obligations to the state and partners

About us kurierske sluzby go4
About us
  • as the first courier service in Slovakia, and as one of the first companies in Slovakia at all, we use full electronic invoicing, including electronic signature in terms of par. 3 of Act no. 215/2002 Coll.
  • we have our own management software and mobile app to help our couriers and dispatchers be faster, greener, more efficient, and have all shipments under control
  • we provide ADR transport, especially urgent transport of biological material (UN 3373, biological substance category B)
  • we are a participant of the EKOprofit Bratislava project, where we were awarded for the implementation of environmental protection measures under the Öko Business Plan Wien program
  • we are an associate member of the Slovak Franchising Association
  • we provide the most comprehensive courier services on the market anytime, anything, anywhere
  • we deliver non-stop for contract customers (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year).
  • GO4 joined the Slovak Association for Electromobility at the beginning of 2017
  • our subsidiary Cyklokuriér Švihaj Šuhaj won the Green Company of 2014 award and our e-Taxi project was awarded the Green Company of 2017 award.

Since 2012, we have been developing our subsidiary Cyklokuriér Švihaj Šuhaj s.r.o., which is an environmentally friendly alternative for delivering shipments in the wider city center. We introduced cargobikes, created the URBAN LOGISTICS project for ecological supply of the city center of Bratislava. Since January 2018 we have been jointly operating the Transshipment of goods for the pedestrian zone in Bratislava.

Our projects

Express courier services.
squere line any time any thing


Express courier services.

Year-end operations and available capacities for Christmas delivery


Information about GO4 GROUP and the number of complaints in 2022


Information about GO4 GROUP and the number of complaints in 2021


GO4, s.r.o.,
Prievozská 34
821 05 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 905 464 464
Tel.: +421 903 464 464

